Food Review: Artisan Alfero Gelato

The Place There is surely no lack of ice-cream parlours in Singapore but I am of the strong opinion to declare that Artisan Alfero Gelato probably has one of the best ice-cream in Singapore. It is still a fairly new ice-cream brand but there are already 2 outlets, one located in Macpherson and the other in Marina Square (opposite Killiney Coffee). The chef is an Italian who quitted his full-time job to run his own ice-cream business, making this all the more authentic Italian Gelato literally. The service here is excellent as the staff is very proactive in getting customers to try every single flavour.

The Food The specialty flavour here is the Pistachio ice-cream where the Pistachio nuts are imported from Italy. The taste of the Pistachio ice-cream is extremely smooth and rich which makes the high quality ingredients discernible to customers. Pistachio aside, other flavours such as Hazelnut, Macadamia and Chocolate are highly recommended as well.

I also had the Affogato ($9) and I tried to be more adventurous by forsaking the usual Vanilla flavour and choosing the Chocolate and Macadamia flavours instead. The espresso was good but I think that it goes best with Vanilla ice-cream.

Regular customers are rewarded with a regular size ice-cream (worth $6) upon the accumulation of 10 chops (at least $6 spend for 1 chop) in the loyalty card.

Will I return again? A strong yes. This is a place where you can have good quality ice-cream at reasonable prices. Definitely one of the best ice-cream parlours around, and be sure not to miss trying the Pistachio ice-cream.

TheRantingPanda says:
Taste bud: 4.5/5
Hole in the pocket: 3/5
Ambience: 2.5/5

Artisan Alfero Gelato
Marina Square
6 Raffles Boulevard
Singapore 039594
Tel: +65 6338 5828

81 MacPherson Lane, #01-37
Singapore 360081
Tel: +65 6848 4269


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